Friday, December 17, 2010

Vitamin K Protects Against Cancer and Heart Disease

(Article first published as Vitamin K Necessary to Stop Cancer in its Tracks on Technorati.)

The second leading cause of death in the US is a preventable disease caused by a damaging diet of processed foods and poor lifestyle choices. Many people view cancer as inevitable having seen family members and friends succumb to the disease and believe there is little they can do to protect themselves from the `Big C`.

Our body is continually under assault from rogue cancer cells that are detected and controlled by our innate immune system. Eventually a diet of sugary processed foods and regular contact with household toxins wear down our natural defenses allowing cancer to proliferate. Vitamin K is a critical nutrient that has been shown effective in preventing a number of cancer cell lines with no toxic side effects.

Typical Diet is Grossly Deficient in Vitamin K
Since its discovery nearly 80 years ago, Vitamin K has been viewed merely as a nutrient necessary for proper blood coagulation. Research over the past decade has shown that this vitamin is essential to many functions necessary to promote ideal health.

Vitamin K1 is the most common form of the vitamin found in fresh vegetables such as broccoli and leafy greens. K1 must be converted to K2 in the intestines to be available for use by our cells. K2 is only found in naturally produced cheeses and natto. Since most diets are deficient in vegetables, very little is available for conversion to the active type shown effective in cancer prevention.

Study Confirms Cancer Fighting Power of Vitamin K
Small quantities of vitamin K are required for normal blood clotting. New research is emerging to confirm the amazing cancer prevention and treatment benefits associated with larger doses of this super nutrient. The results of a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that those individuals with the highest intakes of vitamin K2 had the lowest risk of developing cancer and a 30% reduction in cancer mortality. Due to poor availability in the diet, most people will need to supplement with K2 to achieve full benefit.

Ensure You Have Sufficient Vitamin K2 to Lower Heart Disease Risk
Experts warn that nearly 100% of those tested have low Vitamin K levels circulating in their blood. In addition to the cancer fighting ability associated with the vitamin, research has shown that K2 lowers the risk of heart disease and heart attack as it helps clear plaque-forming calcium from the blood. Millions of people are at increased risk of cancer as well as cardiovascular disease. 

Eating plenty of raw vegetables and greens will ensure you have plenty of vitamin K1 that`s needed to form clots. K1 can be converted to K2 by bacteria in the digestive tract, although this process is inefficient and doesn`t reliably increase blood saturation. Pre-formed K2 is found naturally in only a handful of foods such as cheese curd and fermented natto. Many people find these foods difficult to tolerate and need to take an inexpensive supplement with food to attain optimal health benefits.

Researchers note that vitamin K and vitamin D work synergistically to promote health and prevent disease. Both nutrients work together to increase the production of a protein (Matrix GLA Protein) that helps protect blood vessels from calcification. Therefore it`s important to obtain both vitamins through diet, sun exposure or supplementation and dramatically lower your risk of cancer and heart disease.

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