Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Daily Dose of Nuts May Prevent Diabetes and Complications

Research published in the prestigious journal Diabetes Care (published by the American Diabetes Association) suggests that two ounces of nuts consumed daily when substituted for refined carbohydrate foods can prevent diabetes and the deadly complications caused by the disease. Researchers found that nuts eaten as part of a healthy diet can lower serum blood glucose and lipids to lower long-term blood sugar control as measured by the HbA1C blood test. Grab a big handful of almonds, walnuts, pecans or macadamias to ward off diabetes and metabolic syndrome, devastating conditions currently evolving to threaten human health and longevity.

Nut Consumption Improves Long Term Blood Sugar Control to Prevent Diabetes
The study was setup by creating three groups among subjects with Type II diabetes. The first group was given high carbohydrate muffins, the second received a mixture of nuts including raw almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, and macadamias, and the final group was given a mixture of muffins and nuts. The groups receiving nuts were supplemented with two ounces each day that replaced a carbohydrate-rich dietary food item.

All subjects were tested for changes in long-term blood glucose saturation using the industry standard glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) test. Subjects receiving the nut-only dietary supplement demonstrated the greatest improvement in the HbA1c test as well as a reduction in oxidized low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). Both groups receiving muffins showed no improvement in HbA1c, but the nut-muffin combination group did experience an improvement in LDL cholesterol.

Nuts Include Healthy Monounsaturated Fats and Powerful Antioxidants
The group receiving the full-dose two ounce daily serving of nuts reduced their HbA1c readings by two-thirds the level considered to be a meaningful marker by the FDA. This result is very significant to those currently diagnosed as diabetic as well as the millions of pre-diabetic men, women and children that may be able to prevent full onset of the disease. The research team leader, Dr. David Jenkins of the University of Toronto concluded “Mixed, unsalted, raw, or dry-roasted nuts have benefits for both blood glucose control and blood lipids and may be used as part of a strategy to improve diabetes control without weight gain.” Those following a natural lifestyle will choose non-irradiated nut sources that have not been processed or altered in any fashion.

Researchers believe that the unique mix of monounsaturated fats and phenolic compounds naturally occurring in most nuts is responsible for the glycemic control and lipid profile improvements experienced by the diabetic participants. Furthermore, nuts have not been found to contribute to weight gain in this report or other studies, making this tasty food an ideal choice for weight management goals and long-term diabetes risk reduction.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Vitamin D Alters Brain Proteins to Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Advanced age and the build-up of amyloid beta protein clumps on brain structures are the clinical manifestation leading to the devastating form of dementia known as Alzheimer`s disease. Breaking research published in the journal Fluids and Barriers of the CNS provides crucial evidence that vitamin D influences transporter proteins that help clear the naturally occurring proteins from the brain.

Vitamin D has been found to profoundly alter the development and progression of many diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. We can now add Alzheimer`s disease to the list. Obtaining vitamin D from natural sunlight or supplementing with the prohormone should be considered mandatory for all health-minded people wishing to lower chronic disease risk.

Vitamin D Prevents Amyloid Plaque Buildup in the Brain
Researchers constructing this study used mice genetically predisposed to develop dementia, and the animals were injected with vitamin D. It was determined that amyloid beta accumulation was selectively inhibited and special transporter proteins cleared the damaging amyloid before it could accumulate. The brain has developed an intricate array of special transporter proteins known as LRP-1 and P-gp that have been shown to usher amyloid protein across the blood-brain barrier before causing damage.

The lead research author, Professor Tetsuya Terasaki from Tohoku University in Japan commented “"Vitamin D appears to increase transport of amyloid beta across the blood brain barrier (BBB) by regulating protein expression, via the vitamin D receptor, and also by regulating cell signaling via the MEK pathway. These results lead the way towards new therapeutic targets in the search for prevention of Alzheimer`s disease."

Blood Testing is Essential to Normalize Vitamin D Levels
The research team believes that vitamin D helps to transport amyloid beta protein structures across the delicate blood-brain barrier so the clusters can be released into the cerebral spinal fluid for eventual disposal. The function of this mechanism is known to decline in aging humans and animals, allowing buildup of the sticky protein clusters around the neuronal synapses. Scientists have observed that vitamin D levels are typically low in aging adults when diagnosed with Alzheimer`s disease, and can now make the connection between blood saturation levels and the disease.

The study authors do not provide a vitamin D reference level that produced the results in this study. Many prior studies have demonstrated that the optimal blood level of the prohormone is between 50 ng/ml and 80 ng/ml to dramatically lower the risk from many cancer lines. Most health conscious adults will need to supplement with an oil-based vitamin D supplement to achieve this goal and attain protection from this deadly form of dementia.

Friday, September 23, 2011



Astaxanthin May Help Prevent Heart Disease, Diabetes and Alzheimer’s

There’s a new kid on the block in the world of natural nutrients that promote optimal health and have a significant impact in preventing chronic disease development. Astaxanthin is a red-orange carotenoid pigment derived from microalgae, fish, and crustaceans that can prevent and even treat conditions that progress from the negative effects of oxidative stress and antioxidant deterioration.

Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to be ten times more powerful that other pigments and carotenoids including resveratrol.  Research details published in The American Journal of Cardiology provide solid evidence that astaxanthin supplemented daily can inhibit the damaging effects of oxidative stress that leads to heart disease, heart attack and dementia.

Astaxanthin Helps Arteries to Relax, Lowering Blood Pressure
Researchers discovered that the potent antioxidant activity afforded by astaxanthin supplementation results in improved cardiovascular health. The super nutrient positively influences endothelial function, allowing the delicate heart vessels to relax. This lowers blood pressure and reduces the number of inflammatory cells that promote deadly arterial plaque known to reduce blood flow to the heart muscle. 

Astaxanthin is further shown to boost the heart`s pumping capacity to maintain normal blood flow to the muscle and other vital organs throughout the body. Researchers found that astaxanthin inhibits the effects of advanced glycation end products (AGE`s) that form through normal cellular function and can increase the incidence of diabetes by altering glucose metabolism. Scientists have demonstrated that astaxanthin reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation and improves the way blood flows through the vascular system to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Astaxanthin Reduces Brain Free Radicals to Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Compelling research published in the British Journal of Nutrition posits the effect of supplemented astaxanthin on development and progression of Alzheimer`s dementia. One of the significant markers of the disease is the proliferation of phospholipid hydroperoxides (PLOOH) in the blood. Excess levels cause free radical damage in the brain that can damage neural structures and are associated with progression of Alzheimer`s dementia. 

The study found that supplementing with 6 to 12 mg of astaxanthin daily for 12 weeks lowered blood levels of PLOOH up to 50%. Astaxanthin was found to be a potent antioxidant that could easily cross the blood-brain barrier to dramatically lower oxidative stress. Study researchers concluded “These results suggest that astaxanthin supplementation results in improved erythrocyte antioxidant status and decreased phospholipid hydroperoxide levels, which may contribute to the prevention of dementia.” Based on an ongoing body of compelling evidence to support the amazing benefits of astaxanthin, health-minded individuals will want to supplement with 4 to 12 mg daily to support heart and brain health.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Natural Compound Found in Coffee Slows Alzheimer’s Disease Progression

Researchers publishing in the Journal of Alzheimer`s Disease have discovered that a natural chemical compound found in coffee combines with caffeine to create a protective shield against the development and progression of Alzheimer`s disease. Blood levels of a protective protein complex known as GCSF, short for granulocyte-colony stimulating factor are stimulated by coffee consumption and are shown to thwart disease progress.

Health-conscious individuals will want to consider drinking several cups of java each day to dramatically lower the risk of developing Alzheimer`s disease and preserve precious memories that can be stolen as the disease progresses.

Compound Found in Coffee Beans Protects Against Cognitive Decline
Researchers used mice that are genetically predisposed to develop Alzheimer`s disease to demonstrate naturally occurring compounds in coffee are able to fight off the disease process. Prior studies confirm that caffeine alone does not protect against the memory-robbing condition, yet observational studies in humans reported that daily coffee/caffeine intake during mid-life decreases the risk of Alzheimer`s disease.

The study demonstrated that caffeine consumption is an important part of the protective nature of coffee, but another yet unidentified chemical is required to maximize the effect. No protection against Alzheimer`s disease was found with consumption of decaffeinated coffee. Lead study author, neuroscientist Dr. Chuanhai Cao commented “Caffeinated coffee provides a natural increase in blood GCSF levels”.

Coffee Consumption Shown to Increase Neuron Development
Mice that were fed a regular diet of caffeinated coffee (equivalent to 4 or 5 cups of coffee each day) showed a significant increase in GCSF compared to control animals fed decaffeinated coffee or water only. Dr. Cao found “The exact way that this occurs is not understood. There is a synergistic interaction between caffeine and some mystery component of coffee that provides this beneficial increase in blood GCSF levels.”

The study authors identified three critical ways that increased levels of the protective protein GCSF improve memory performance. GCSF encourages stem cells from the bone marrow to enter the brain and remove harmful beta-amyloid clusters that are the hallmark of disease progression. Further, GCSF helps to create new connections between brain cells and increases the number of new neurons in the brain. Any natural compound that promotes the release of this protein complex will protect against the development of Alzheimer`s disease.

Caffeinated coffee consumption is safe for the vast majority of adults. The study authors concluded “We see no reason why an inherently natural product such as coffee cannot be more beneficial and safer than medications, especially to protect against a disease that takes decades to become apparent after it starts in the brain.” Five cups of coffee each day may provide a protective shield against this devastating form of dementia.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cinnamon Extract May Help to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers from Tel Aviv University report in the PLoS ONE journal that the common spice cinnamon found in many kitchen pantries around the world may hold a crucial key to preventing Alzheimer`s disease. Alzheimer`s disease cases are growing at an exponential pace, currently affecting one in eight people over the age of 65.

Cutting edge research posits that the devastating illness is in part the result of metabolic disruption in the brain and has been coined `Type III diabetes` as it disrupts insulin levels in brain tissue. An extract found in cinnamon bark, called CEppt has been shown to inhibit the development and progression of the disease in this latest study.

Cinnamon Bark Extract Shown to Inhibit Plaque Formations in Alzheimer’s Brain Model
Researchers from the Department of Zoology at Tel Aviv University found that potent extracts from cinnamon bark inhibit the toxic amyloid polypeptide oligomers and fibrils that have been found in Alzheimer`s brain plaque formations. The healing power of cinnamon has been known since biblical times as high priests used the spice to protect against infectious disease. Antiviral properties have been confirmed by modern research, prompting studies to further examine extracts from the spice in the development of Alzheimer`s disease.

Scientists have isolated the CEppt active compound found in cinnamon bark and created an aqueous solution for use in research experiments. The solution was fed to genetically altered mice that have been predisposed to develop an aggressive form of Alzheimer`s disease. After a period of four months, researchers found that development of the disease had been slowed dramatically and activity levels and longevity was comparable to a control group of healthy mice.

Cinnamon Supplementation can Break Up Classic Amyloid Plaque to Prevent Dementia Development
In addition to the disease regression findings, researchers determined that the cinnamon extract was found to break up the classic amyloid protein clusters in test tube experiments. Lead researcher Professor Michael Ovadia believes this indicates that CEppt is not only important to inhibit the development and progression of Alzheimer`s disease but may help to break up existing tangles once they have formed.

Many natural substances including resveratrol, curcumin and blueberries have shown promise in preventing this devastating form of dementia, but no therapy exists that can reverse the disease once a diagnosis has been presented. Professor Ovadia commented on the results of this research “The discovery is extremely exciting. While there are companies developing synthetic AD inhibiting substances, our extract would not be a drug with side effects, but a safe, natural substance that human beings have been consuming for millennia.”
Scientists conducting this study did not publish the amount of cinnamon used to produce their results. Nutrition experts recommend using cinnamon liberally sprinkled on food daily or supplementing with 500 mg of cinnamon bark extract taken daily with meals. Cinnamon is rapidly becoming a natural compound that may hold the key to prevent and treat Alzheimer`s disease.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Strawberries Increase Antioxidant Levels to Lower Chronic Disease Risks

Strawberries are shown to be a potent source of antioxidants in a body of research published in the journal Food Chemistry. In vivo studies confirm that regular consumption of the flavorful fruit raise antioxidant blood saturation levels.

This can help to lower the risk of chronic diseases ranging from heart disease and cancer to metabolic disorders including diabetes. The study, conducted by Italian and Spanish researchers demonstrated that eating two cups of strawberries daily for two weeks boosted the antioxidant status of red blood cells and improved the body`s immune response reaction to oxidative stress to lower disease risk.

Strawberries Shown to Significantly Increase Disease-Fighting Antioxidants in Blood
European researchers have demonstrated the antioxidant capacity of strawberries on human health using volunteers at the Marche Polytechnic University in Italy. Twelve healthy adults were fed the equivalent of two cups of strawberries over the course of a day for a period of two weeks.

Blood samples were taken after four, eight, twelve and sixteen days and then again after a month. Live blood analysis showed that regular consumption of this super fruit significantly increases the antioxidant capacity of blood plasma as well as the resistance of red blood cells to oxidative haemolysis in a process known as fragmentation.

Lead author and researcher, Dr. Maurizio Battino commented on the initial results “We have shown that some varieties of strawberries make erythrocytes more resistant to oxidative stress. This could be of great significance if you take into account that this phenomenon can lead to serious diseases.”

Strawberries Lower Risk of Developing Heart Disease, Cancer and Dementia
Researchers are continuing to test a variety of strawberry strains and different consumption levels to determine optimal antioxidant levels. They note that strawberries should form part of a healthy, balanced diet and be included as a daily serving of fruits and vegetables necessary to lower disease risk.

Strawberries contain a large concentration of phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids known to exert potent antioxidant properties. Flavonoid consumption triggers an extensive arsenal of antioxidant mechanisms that function at the cellular level to fight free radical production and lower the risk from heart disease, cancer, diabetes and dementia. Antioxidants promote normal cellular function and are either manufactured by the body or consumed through diet in the form of natural foods such as strawberries.

When the blood antioxidant capacity is lowered by stress, physical exertion or normal metabolic function, oxidative stress occurs and the risk of chronic disease increases exponentially. Many forward-thinking scientists posit that oxidative stress is a key factor determining how quickly we age, and foods such as strawberries hold the answer to slow this process and prevent a host of deadly illnesses.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Digestive Enzyme Bromelain is a Powerful Tool in the Fight against Cancer

Bromelain is a natural digestive enzyme extracted from pineapples. The nutrient is rapidly taking its place aside many of the most powerful natural agents in the war on cancer and other chronic conditions that take the lives of millions each year.

Research published in Cancer Letters shows the protease enzyme to exhibit multiple actions including anti-inflammatory and immune cell activation that can deal a powerful blow to cancer development. Include bromelain in your supplemental regimen to benefit from the potent anti-cancer properties now attributed to this amazing pineapple enzyme.

Bromelain is Shown to Dissolve Unneeded Tissue throughout the Body
Similar to super nutrients such as resveratrol, curcumin and green tea extract, bromelain is a potent compound that fights cancer by dissolving unnecessary tissue throughout the body. Bromelain breaks down scar tissue and other debris created from the natural processes of stress and physical wear and tear that develop with normal cellular function. As we age, our body has a reduced capacity to eliminate these garbage byproducts from within our cells and we undergo the process of advanced aging.

 Enzymes such as bromelain are critical to break down proteins used to drive metabolic functions within the body. Processed and overcooked foods have been stripped of the natural enzymes that originally existed, and the pancreas is forced to work beyond its capacity to break down digested proteins. Cancer cells also use a protein shield to cloak themselves and avoid detection from the immune system. Protease enzymes help destroy the protein bond around cancer clusters so the body can destroy developing tumor wall structures and thwart cancer initiation.

Potent Enzyme Uncloaks Protein Sheath Protecting Cancer Cells from Detection
Evidence developed in European clinical trials and published in the journal Integrative Cancer Therapies explains that natural enzymes such as bromelain and papain provide a significant improvement in the outcome of alternative therapies to treat breast and colon cancers. The authors concluded that the enzyme mixture demonstrated potent anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious and antitumor/anti-metastatic activity.

Further scientific documentation is published in the journal Molecular Carcinogenesis to support the cancer-killing ability of bromelain, independent of other therapies. Cancer is fueled by systemic inflammation and out of control gene activity from the protein complex, NF-KappaB (nuclear factor kappa beta). Bromelain inhibits the activity of NF-KappaB, significantly lowering cellular free radical damage causing cancer cells to undergo normal cell death (apoptosis).

Research continues to uncover the amazing health-promoting benefits of natural enzymes such as bromelain in the fight against inflammatory and immune-deficiency diseases like cancer. You can dramatically lower your risk by supplementing with 50 mg of bromelain extract daily, taken with meals to aid protein digestion and on an empty stomach to uncloak rogue cancer cell development..

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Daily Olive Oil Consumption Cuts Stroke Risk by Forty Percent

Critical research released in the industry publication journal Neurology from the American Academy of Neurology provides evidence that regular consumption of olive oil can help lower the risk of stroke. The study examined individuals over the age of 65 that are most vulnerable to the devastating effects of a stroke.

Scientists suggest that olive oil taken as part of a healthy diet can lower the life-altering risks associated with a stroke by 41% in the elderly. Based on this body of work, researchers “suggest that a new set of dietary recommendations should be issued to prevent stroke in people 65 and older."

Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed Olive Oil Consumed Daily Dramatically Lowers Stroke Risk
To conduct the study, researchers examined the medical records of 7,625 aging adults 65 or older from three cities in France. Participants were in generally good health and had no prior history of stroke. Olive oil consumption was determined by use of dietary questionnaire and usage was broken down into three groups: none, moderate and intense based on regular consumption habits. It is significant to note that virtually all olive oil consumed was extra virgin and cold pressed. This type of minimally processed oil has been found to lower the risk of heart disease in prior studies.

Participants were followed for a period of five years and 148 strokes occurred during that time span. After considering dietary, lifestyle and medical history researchers found that those with the highest intake of extra virgin olive oil were 41% less likely to suffer a stroke compared with those with the lowest consumption of the monounsaturated oil. In a secondary arm of this study where plasma fatty acid measurements were available, individuals with the highest oleic acid (olive oil fraction) were found to experience a 73% lower risk of stroke.

Olive Oil Found to Improve Blood Lipid Profile, Lowers Blood Pressure
Researchers noted that olive oil consumption is associated with lowered risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, lipid abnormalities and obesity. They stopped short of suggesting which particular elements of olive oil provide the stroke-protective mechanism. Extra virgin olive oil is known to be a rich source of natural polyphenols from the olive fruit that alters the oxidized, sticky nature of LDL cholesterol that is implicated with plaque build-up in the arteries.

The study author from the University of Bordeaux in France, Dr. Cécilia Samieri commented “Stroke is so common in older people and olive oil would be an inexpensive and easy way to help prevent it.” The study did not specify the amount of olive oil used by those in the `intense` group that experienced the highest degree of protection from stroke. Nutritionists recommend that most people should add 1 to 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil five days a week to reap the powerful health benefits of this monounsaturated oil.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Broccoli and Cruciferous Vegetable Compound Targets Cancer Cells for Destruction

Research details published in the Molecular Nutrition and Food Research journal explains the potent mechanism exhibited by cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower to ameliorate developing cancer cells. The active photochemical known as sulforaphane targets prostate and other hormone dependent cancer lines and leaves normal healthy cells unaffected.

Cruciferous vegetables have long been associated with a lowered risk of prostate cancer, but this is the first study to demonstrate the `search and attack` capability of the natural chemical compound. Consuming small amounts of crucifers several times each week can help to significantly lower your risk of developing many types of potentially deadly cancer lines.

Sulforaphane from Broccoli and Crucifers Targets Cancer Cells for Destruction
The study was led by Dr. Emily Ho, associate professor from the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. Tissue from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower contain high levels of the powerful natural compound chemically known as glucosinolates. In the body glucosinolates are broken down into sulforaphane that exert protective anti-cancer characteristics.

Based on prior research to indicate that crucifers and sulforaphane specifically kill cancer cells, researchers designed a trial study using mouse models to demonstrate that sulforaphane selectively targets hormone dependent cancers such as breast and prostate. Dr. Ho commented “It is well documented that sulforaphane can target cancer cells through multiple chemopreventive mechanisms” and  continued “Here we show for the first time that sulforaphane selectively targets benign hyperplasia cells and cancerous prostate cells while leaving the normal prostate cells unaffected.”

Natural Food Inhibits Enzymes Necessary for Cancer Development
The study demonstrated that sulforaphane is an inhibitor of histone deacetylase, or HDAC enzymes. HDAC enzymes are theorized to develop in the body as a result of metabolic inefficiency resulting from systemic inflammation and low antioxidant status. HDAC enzymes provide fuel to the cancer initiation and progression processes when they occur in excess and their action runs unabated. HDAC inhibition is currently an important research area targeted by Big Pharma and synthesized drugs that can be addressed with natural nutrients from food and lifestyle modifications.

Scientists clearly demonstrated the specific mechanism to explain how sulforaphane targets breast and prostate cancer cells. Many existing studies show that nutrients present in cruciferous vegetables can halt all cancer cell lines by inhibiting the fuel necessary for the cells to multiply out of control. Researchers concluded the data collected “provide(s) further support for the relevance of sulforaphane as a dietary HDAC inhibitor and chemopreventive agent.” Nutritional experts recommend several three to four ounce servings of lightly steamed crucifers each week to prevent cancer development.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cut Dietary Carbohydrates to Reduce Body Fat and Disease Risk

Many health-conscious individuals understand that the key to optimal health and well-maintained body weight is achieved by adherence to a reduced carbohydrate diet. Extensive scientific evidence now exists to show that elimination of refined carbs, wheat products and sugar help the body to properly regulate abdominal fat stores and significantly lower chronic disease risks to extend lifespan.

The result of a study provided to the Endocrine Society conference in Boston explains that even a modest reduction in carbohydrate-rich foods promotes the loss of deep belly fat and can reduce the risk of developing Type II diabetes, stroke and coronary artery disease.

Low Carbohydrate Diet Lowers Abdominal Fat Stores
The study included 69 overweight but otherwise healthy men and women. Participants were broken into two groups and were fed either a calorie-controlled low-fat (higher carbohydrate) diet or a low-carb (higher fat) diet, each for an eight week period. The diet for the initial eight-week period consisted of a normal weight-maintenance intervention, while the second interval lowered the calories consumed by 1,000 calories per day.

Researchers measured the participants deep abdominal fat at the beginning and end of each dietary phase using computed tomography (CT) and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans. Based on the result of these tests, researchers were able to determine that participants consuming the carbohydrate-restricted diet had 11% less deep abdominal fat than the group eating the standard diet.

Interestingly, researchers found that ethnic diversity plays an important role as white participants lost more belly fat than those of other racial backgrounds. The scientists believe this is due to the higher fat concentrations seen in whites, and they benefit most from the loss of abdominal fat.

Reduced Calorie, Low-Carb Diet Significantly Lowers Chronic Disease Risks
Due to the reduction of calories in the second eight week phase of the study, both groups lost weight. Those following the carb-restricted diet lost 4% more total abdominal fat than the group fed the lower fat, higher carbohydrate diet. Principal study author Dr. Barbara Gower commented on the results, “For individuals willing to go on a weight-loss diet, a modest reduction in carbohydrate-containing foods may help them preferentially lose fat, rather than lean tissue.”

This study provides support for a wealth of other research showing that the low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet prescribed by physicians and dieticians over the past several decades is a crucial contributing factor to the overweight and obesity epidemic. This type of diet directly contributes to the proliferation of illnesses including diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Excess visceral body fat dramatically raises the risk of these diseases that are linked to the excessive consumption of carbohydrate rich foods. Participants in the abdominal fat reduction arm of this study consumed 43% of calories from carbohydrates. Carbohydrate food sources included low glycemic offerings such as leafy greens and many types of vegetables and excluded breads, pasta and sweets known to promote overweight, obesity and chronic disease.

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