Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Vitamins and Supplements That Help With Anti Aging Care

A common question asked by many health conscious people is whether it is necessary to take a multi-vitamin or dietary supplement each day. The real simple answer depends on the quality of your diet. The human body has a certain requirement for all known vitamins and minerals which have been conveniently categorized as 'Recommended Daily Allowances' (RDA by the FDA). These minimal requirements for vitamins and minerals were developed half a century ago to make public the smallest amount of each substance required to prevent diseases which were associated with an RDA deficiency. Current research is continually proving that the RDA specifications are not always the optimal dose necessary to prevent vibrant health into old age.

To supplement or not supplement, that is the question. Most natural health specialists believe that supplementation is required for optimal health, under the correct circumstances. To begin, there is no substitute for a good quality diet composed of raw vegetables (organic where possible), minimal fruits, lean protein, seeds, nuts and legumes. This should be the core of your diet, with foods eaten raw being 85% of total calories, and lean animal protein composing a maximum of 10%. This leaves no room for the empty calories derived from sweets, candies, refined wheat products or processed foods of any type. The types of food contain virtually no nutrients and lead to the epidemic growth of obesity and many lifestyle diseases (heart disease, cancer, stroke and dementia). This type of healthy diet will provide your body with virtually all of the known RDA nutrients. Even more important, there are other as yet unknown micro-nutrients in whole foods when eaten raw (cooking can damage or destroy many of the essential enzymes contained in many food items) which have yet to be discovered. It is clear that there is a synergy between all of the nutrients contained in these unprocessed foods which are essential to our body.

The human body has an amazing capacity to process the nutrition from the foods we eat, and an even higher capacity to protect us when we routinely take in lower than necessary amounts of the vitamins and minerals required to enable all the chemical and electrical reactions which we call life. The body has many backup mechanisms which it uses to allow us to survive a nutrient deficiency, but eventually over the course of years and decades it is no longer able to compensate. We are sent signals that there is a pending problem. We see them as life's little aches and pains, indigestion and headaches. We ignore the problem, and then finally go to see a medical professional for a quick fix. We are given a pill, and go away thinking all will be well. But the problem has only been masked and continues to develop, as we have done nothing to correct the root cause.

We know that, regardless of the type of diet we eat, it is necessary to compliment our nutrient intake with some degree of dietary aid. Many people know this, which the reason nearly 70% of adults indicate they are taking a one a day vitamin supplement each day. While the thought is admirable, the effect on nutrition is negligible from this type of supplement. The problem is that the typical multi-vitamin is of very low quality and is made of synthetic components which the body has difficulty using. Stay away from any vitamin which is solid and made from compressed ingredients. These pills are of little use to the body, and due to the poor quality of the raw chemicals used will have no positive effect, and may actually cause harm. A much better choice is a natural vitamin supplement which will always come in a vegetarian capsule. And quality vitamins take up space, so you will probably need to take 6 - 12 of them spaced out through the day. You will notice that the RDA amounts will be well over 100%... this is a sign that the maker has done research which indicates they are including the optimal dose, and not the meager RDA amount. Read the label, and look for naturally sourced ingredients and be sure the manufacturer has a good reputation. A little research in this area will go a long way in something as important as your health.

Recently we have been provided solid science to back up the theory that dietary supplementation through our lives can yield powerful results in disease prevention as we age. Researchers have published the results of feeding an 'anti-aging cocktail' to mice (mice are perfect test subjects as they have genetically similar pathways to humans), and made the observation: "complex dietary cocktails can powerfully ameliorate biomarkers of aging and modulate mechanisms considered ultimate goals for aging interventions." The cocktail consisted of essential vitamins and minerals and a handful of recognized extracts (carnitine, carnosine, resveratrol, COQ10, ginko, Omega-3's and green tea extracts). All components were provided in optimal doses. By comparing a group of supplemented mice to a set who received no intervention, the researchers were able to determine that the mice who consumed the cocktail showed a 50% reduction in the critical biomarkers which scientists use to gauge cellular aging. Although the mice did not live longer than the non-supplemented mice (only Calorie restriction has been documented to extend life), the supplemented mice suffered much less from disease, and had more energy for an extended period.

While there is no substitute for a good healthy diet of raw unprocessed foods, we know that most people require additional support to live a disease-free life. Proper selection of a dietary supplement is essential. Additionally, some people may need further specific dietary aids, depending on health conditions. Diabetes, heart disease and cancer all require a special regimen of supplementation which is beyond the daily multi-vitamin. It is important to research your needs based on health concerns, and avoid the barrage of 'lifestyle' pharmaceuticals which do little to create vibrant health on a long term basis.

Heart Disease is Reversible

Evidence has been mounting over recent years indicating that Coronary Artery Disease is not only preventable, but actually reversible. You could possibly slow it down by eating a 'low-fat' diet and taking a variety of drugs (statins, ACE Inhibitors and Beta-Blockers), but sooner or later those little blobs of foamy plaque would invade the inner lining of your coronary arteries and cause a heart attack.

Linus Pauling documented 30 or so years ago that Vitamin C was essential for the vascular system to avoid the 'cracks' which occur in the heart vessels. Lack of Vitamin C caused a 'scurvy' of the arteries which permitted the tiny vascular abrasions (caused by high blood pressure, poor diet and too much fast food!) which then needed to be patched up by the body, leading to the genesis of coronary plaque. But there was more than just Vitamin C. The C was very helpful in preventing the arterial 'cracking', but once the process had begun there needed to be a secondary element which would remove the existing plaque. The key were the amino acids Lysine and Proline. These two key amino acids possessed the ability to bind with existing plaque in the endothelium (the inner membrane of an artery) and harmlessly usher out of the circulation. Not only was this information public knowledge (but somehow most physicians never heard about it), but Linus Pauling had received a Nobel Prize for his work. Not only that, he also has a patent for the process of cleaning the arteries of transplanted hearts using a solution based on this science.

Heath conscious people now add the amino acids Lysine and Proline into their supplemental regime in the quantities recommended by Pauling, as well as Vitamin C (about 3 grams per day for the average adult). Also, later work has suggested that EGCG from green tea may also enhance the plaque removal process.

A required read for those attempting to correct or prevent heart disease if the extensive work of Dr. William Davis, a conventional cardiologist with an unconventional view on the nature of heart disease (http://heartscanblog.blogspot.com/). He has seen the light, and understands that pharmaceutical interventions are typically not necessary and can many times be dangerous. Instead he relies on natural interventions for his patients such as fish oil, Vitamin D supplemented to the proper levels (blood levels of 50 - 70 ng/ml), niacin, elimination of all wheat/sugar/refined foods, to name just a few. The bottom line is that the plaque in your coronary arteries is composed to a large extent of calcium, and that calcium can be viewed and monitored by use of a scanner which takes about five minutes and is non-invasive. By tracking at yearly intervals, he has demonstrated that the arterial plaque can be halted and reversed by a significant percentage. The most important thing is that as long as the plaque level has been halted and is not increasing, the condition is stable and the chances of a significant heart event are virtually eliminated... again, no drugs or silly low-fat diets required. Just a very healthy, nutritionally balanced dietary lifestyle along with the appropriate supplements. Sounds like a good deal to me to avoid that trip to the Emergency Room.

You Are What You Eat - Dietary Modification Principles

Everybody has heard that eating too much without sufficient exercise causes weight gain, and cutting back on the calories and more exercise will result in weight loss. If only it were that simple. There are many other considerations to factor into the overall 'calories in - calories out' equation.

First, you must understand the three building blocks of nutrition: carbohydrates, protein and fat. While it is not the intention of this blog to delve deeply into the biochemical properties these macronutrients, it is important to understand that each has a profoundly different effect on your body and is used differently around the body. For example, the much maligned fat is preferentially used for the creation of cholesterol and is incorporated into the cell membranes of all tissues, especially the brain. Strong evidence suggests that it is not fat which makes you overweight, but the improper metabolism of carbohydrates, specifically the highly refined carbs and sugars (yes, even fruit to an extent) which are such a large component of most Western diets.

I have been following Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition (CRON) for four years now. CRON involves reducing calories consumed by 20 - 40% below the normal level. It also requires eating the proper combination of macronutrients (non-refined carbs, lean protein and healthy fats) so that you also get the 'optimal' micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). In order to accomplish this, I use a free software program called CRON-O-METER which can be found here. This simple software allows you to enter the precise foods you eat each day, and then breaks down the macro and micro nutrients to your pre-set goals. For me, I consume 1800 calories a day, and find that I do need to supplement to hit some of the micronutrient requirements, but the key is to achieve the RDA levels through your food intake. Not an easy task, and you quickly find that if you follow closely, there are no calories left for any food items except healthy vegetables, lean protein and non-adulterated fats. If you find you need help hitting your nutritional goals this is an excellent source for all-natural support.

While it is an ongoing science, likely to be debated for many years into the future, it is quite apparent to me that the level of calories consumed, and more specifically the quality of calories consumed has a large effect on the genetic makeup of our body. Emerging evidence is demonstrating that our genes are continually evolving on a daily basis based on the quantity and types of foods eaten and the many factors which are our environment. Studies have shown that gene expression can be positively or negatively altered by one meal. With that in mind, it is easy to understand that altering our food and controlling as many environmental factors as possible, we can change our genetic constitution toward factors which control most diseases, and our predisposition toward developing many of the common Western maladies such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

So it is true that you are what you eat, as well as what you come in contact with in your environment (pollutants, chemicals and common cosmetics as a starter). All of these factors directly impact the voyage our genes follow... and the best part is we are in control of the ship to a large extent.

The Diabetes Epidemic - Don't Be a Statistic!

Health professionals are perplexed by the sudden explosion of diabetes cases. Teen and pre-teen children are developing the disease in record numbers, predisposing them to a lifetime of increased risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, blindness and dialysis. What has changed to cause this alarming uptick in diabetes over the last 40 years, and how can we protect ourselves from this insidious malady?

Statistics show that diabetes and pre-diabetes has increased by 33% over the last 40 years. By some estimates, nearly 1 in 10 Americans is either diabetic or showing metabolic signs which will quickly become a full blown case of the disease, although many people are unaware they have the condition. The question is, what has changed over this time to have caused this epidemic? While there are a number of factors which have contributed to the dilemma, many health researchers are narrowing in on two key suspects: High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and Systemic Inflammation.

How can we place blame for the diabetes rise on an all-natural sweetener such as HFCS? Beginning in the early 1970's, the use of this sweetener was increasing as an inexpensive additive, subsidized by the government to allow farmers to plant massive amounts of the crop. It began showing up in every soft drink, fast foods and baked goods. Today you would be hard pressed to find any processed food which does not contain HFCS or a derivitive. Recent studies are now demonstrating that HFCS is not processed by the liver, and therefore does not trigger the natural mechanism used by our body to detect and process calories. Our brain does not register the sweetener as caloric intake, causing us to continue eating. We never get the 'full' signal. Further evidence is now emerging that HFCS causes insulin to become resistant to the proper metabolism of glucose in the blood, meaning that sugars are not efficiently ushered into our cells for energy. The sad truth about this corn-based product is that it really is not a natural food element. it has been processed by man and is not viewed a digestible food by our body. It is actually seen as an invading enemy which causes our body to mount an offensive through the immune response. While this is a normal response to an infection, it is not good for the body to engage the HFCS enemy every time we eat. This leads to low-grade inflammation which is known to be the root cause of many diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many cancers.

We don't have to look far today to see the exponentially increasing population of overweight and obese individuals. Upwards of 70% of adults in most Western countries fall into one of these two classifications. And new studies now confirm that excess body fat (especially around the mid section) is a direct cause of inflammation throughout the body. The common belief for many years was that fat was an inert cellular matrix within the body which was simply unsightly. We now understand that our fat is a living organ which sends cellular signals to our organs when in distress. We hear that signal loud and clear. Body fat has an amazing capacity to expand, and evolutionary design which has allowed our species to flourish for many generations. But, this same mechanism of survival may also be our downfall. Once our fat tissues (adipocytes) have multiplied and expanded to maximum capacity, they release chemical messengers into the blood stream which cause systemic inflammation. Levels of homocysteine and C-reactive protein rise in the blood, which in turn causes excessive levels of inflammation in our tissues, as our immune system attempts to fight the never ending surge of inflammation-mediated byproducts. All of this was necessary from an evolutionary perspective, as our bodies adapted to stress factors related to everyday living. But today, these deep rooted survival mechanisms are the root of our diabetic and cardiovascular problems. This metabolic disturbance is directly related to the initiation of diabetes, as it upsets the intricate hormonal balance within our body.

How then to avoid a lifetime of misery from diabetic complications? To begin, it is essential to eliminate high fructose corm syrup products from the diet. This is much easier said than done for most. It means the elimination of all refined and packaged foods including breads, pasta, cereals and any wheat or corn based items. Switch from soft drinks to natural drinks such as tea and water. Monitor your blood sugar by picking up an inexpensive meter at the local drug store. Your target goal is a fasting reading of 70 - 85 (72 is optimal), and never higher than 90. An even more important test is after meals. Test 1 and 2 hours after eating, and target a 1 hour reading of no more than 140, and a 2 hour reading no higher than 120. Adjust your food choices accordingly, as different people have different carbohydrate tolerance levels. New studies indicate that pancreatic beta cells begin to die off at blood glucose levels above 140. Once the beta cell population is depleted, you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, and have doubled your chance of developing cardiovascular disease. By following some simple dietary guidelines, we can dramatically reduce our chances of being afflicted with diabetes, and must work hard to protect our children from the ravages of this horrible disease.

Immune Health Starts in the Stomach

One of the primary ways that macro and micronutrients assimilate into the body is through the mouth. Through the processes of eating (and breathing to a smaller extent), we receive our dietary needs and quite a bit more. Trapped in with the food are also viral and bacterial particles which must be filtered. Located throughout the digestive tract is an estimated 3 to 5 pounds of 'good' bacteria which live synergistically in our body, the primary intent of which is to immediately detect and eliminate those outside invaders which can be the source of so much discomfort to us.

While it is not the intent of this blog to go into extensive depth on the topic, suffice it to say there are a number of things which can compromise this delicately balanced system. Among them is consuming a diet of refined carbohydrates, sugars, high-fructose corn syrup and trans-fat laden meats. One of the most destructive elements is a course of antibiotics, which systematically can wipe out the core of our 'good' bacteria, allowing the balance of disease-causing bacteria to flourish. When this happens, not only are the nutrients in our food not properly broken down (leading to a host of digestive ailments and autoimmune response diseases), but our innate immune system becomes dramatically desensitized. Bacterial invay would be extinguished are not allowed to pass, or reacted to at a lower level, making us much more prone to acute and chronic illness.

In order to ensure that our 'good' bacteria are populated in our digestive tract, it is necessary to take a good organic-based probiotic, especially after age 50 when the immune response tends to diminish as stomach acid levels decline. for this same reason, it is essential to take digestive enzyme support which provides for the proper breakdown of foods, relieving the burden placed on the pancreas to release excessive amounts of enzymes and insulin to accomplish the digestive goal.

It is important to take a digestive enzyme before going to bed on an empty stomach. When there is no food to break down in the stomach, the enzymes are released directly into the blood where they have been demonstrated to act as a sort of 'de-cloaking' mechanism. When used this way, the protein covers which encapsulate the early stage cancer cells which are naturally flowing through the blood supply are broken down, allowing your heightened immune system to quickly detect the cells and engulf them for processing out of the body.

Calorie Restriction With Optimal Nutrition (CRON) - Life Extension?

It has been know for nearly 80 years that restricting calorie intake leads to an extension of life among most animal species. Many have speculated that the same principles may apply to humans as well, although it is a difficult theory to prove scientifically due to the extreme time frame required to conduct the experiment (in excess of 120 years!) Nevertheless, it is an intriguing theory which could provide many additional, healthy years to one's lifespan.

Calorie Restriction requires that 20% - 30% less calories are consumed below the normal level eaten. For example if 2500 calories are required to maintain a healthy weight, then around 1800 calories would constitute a restricted dietary lifestyle. The other component is to ensure that sufficient required vitamins and mineral nutrients are also included in the daily diet. Naturally this requires the elimination of all junk food in favor of healthful vegetables (mostly raw), minimal lean protein sources, nuts, seeds and oils.

To begin this type of diet, one must proceed slowly. Although weight loss is not the goal here, typically the pounds will come off... be sure to limit to no more than 1 - 2 pounds per week. This is because the body releases stored toxins in the body fat as it is reduced, and losing too rapidly can provide a toxic overload to the body. Once you have followed a health eating pattern for a minimum of two weeks, you will no longer crave the sugars, fried foods and fast foods which make up the typical Standard American Diet (SAD). The most important part of this eating style are the biochemical alterations which immediately occur in the body. Lipid profiles alter toward lower cholesterol ratios (HDL-C to Total Cholesterol and Triglycerides to HDL-C), which are the real indicators of cardiovascular health.

Blood pressure will decline to normal levels and your basal body temperature will typically fall to a level 1 - 2.5 degrees below the 'normal' of 98.6. It is of note that the normal temperature reading is an average established over many years which is an example of the inflammation levels of the average person. Excess inflammation in the body results in higher body temperature. After several weeks of restriction, you will find your morning basal body temperature drop. This is a good indicator that you have already reduced your core temperature and that restriction is having a positive effect.

It is essential to monitor everything that you eat. You cannot follow this lifestyle without knowing the calorie and nutritional content of every item you consume. The best tool to use for monitoring is the free CRON-O-METER (spaz.ca/cronometer/). Enter all foods (and it is important to weigh the foods at first) in this handy tool as you eat. It will provide you with the calorie content as well as the nutritional breakdown. Mix your food choices to get the proper mix of nutrients. You will quickly find that there is no room for any food types which provide little or no nutritional value.

Excess Calories - Too Much Junk!

We all know that full feeling after consuming a large meal. That same sensation is felt at the cellular level as your body attempts to cope with the massive overflow of calories, and the breakdown by products of your meal. The human body has an amazing capacity to accomodate extra fuel intake which has been necessitated through evolutionary starvation periods. The few extra pounds which we retain are an example of energy storage.

While it is well documented that excess fat on the midsection is directly associated with a number of serious illnesses, we typically don't think about the additional stress our tissues endure at the cellular level. Each of the trillions of cells in the body is required to burn fuel for energy and just as in your household, must eliminate the waste on a regular basis. This process is known as 'autophagy', or the cellular elimination of waste products of metabolism. During our younger years, we are much better at efficiently processing our cellular waste and virtually no buildup is left from the process. As we age, metabolism slows and becomes more inefficient. Cellular debris accumulates which eventually slows our metabolism and cause cellular inefficiency. Some of this is inevitable, but most in the scientific community now understand that much is under our control.

The quality of our energy sources will determine largely how much waste our body must deal with. Highly refined food sources and dietary elements which are not natural to our body (think plastic trans-fats and manufactured high fructose corn syrup) require a much higher level of cellular cleanup. Eventually the cell cannot fully respond to the continual burden of poor food choices and debris begins to obstruct the normal function of the basic biological unit. This is directly related to aging, along with many other environmental factors such as pollution, smoking and lack of exercise.

It is therefore critical to ensure that our food is natural, the way our evolutionary ancestors would have eaten. This is known as the 'paleo' diet, and stresses elimination of unnatural foods, refined carbs, sugars, fast foods and over cooked meats, in favor of raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean protein choices and minimal fruits. Eating in this manner regulates blood sugar surges which are now directly related to cardiovascular disease and diabetes and many other maladies. This eating style also dramatically modifies the lipid profile of the blood by reducing small LDL-C particles, triglycerides and raising HDL-C. And to many people, a natural loss of body fat will occur as a positive consequence of proper eating.

Saturated Fat - Not Really the Devil?

Strong scientific evidence is now arriving which indicates that the much maligned saturated fat we have all been told to avoid for more than 50 years is really not that bad for you all. As a matter of fat, some saturated fat is required for health and cellular construction. That said, this is not a green flag to begin eating foods containing lots of fats because as it turns out, saturated fats are a close neighbor to the real culprits in destruction of our health.

The main reason for the association between cardiovascular disease and saturated fat is back in the 1950's, researchers began to notice that those individuals with the highest sat fat intake also seemed to exhibit the highest incidences of heart attacks and related cardio problems. But a true analysis into the problem was never fully undertaken, that is to really determine if sat fat was the actual cause by eliminating any other factors. Western diets at this time were moving away from he traditional foods that 'Grandma' would cook, and more toward the quick convenience foods and fast foods which quickly gained popularity with many of today's 'baby-boomers'. It was an easy stretch to make the association between the higher amounts of saturated fats in the diet with the rapidly rising incidence of heart disease.

The food elements which were never taken into account are the highly refined carbohydrates and trans fats which were mixing with the saturated fats in an ever increasing proportion in our food supply. Convenience foods needed to have longer shelf lives, and synthetic trans fats were the inexpensive means to allow that Twinkie to sit on the shelf for very long periods of time. Also, trans fats were being introduced into the diet in a much higher proportion by the cooking process associated with fast food production, namely frying and charred cooking of meats. Our diets had switched from mostly home-cooked to the extremely atherogenic convenience-food lifestyle. Heart attacks by 1970 were increasing at an exponential rate, especially in the vulnerable male population... and then things got worse.

In the early 1970's came the introduction of high fructose corn syrup. It was an easy, 'natural' method of sweetening almost everything, and has ended up in virtually every processed food in today's grocery store. Interesting is that the incidence of diabetes has also increased two to three fold during the same time frame. Science is showing that this foreign substance (it is artificially created, and not seen as a natural food substance by the body) is not processed by the liver, does not register as calories by the body, and is quickly converted in to fat for storage when consumed as excess calories (which is almost always the case). Today we see an epidemic of obese pre-teens who are either diabetic or pre-diabetic.

So we can now see that saturated fats are really not the enemy, but an innocent bystander for the most part. They actually provide us with immune benefits, proper fuel for the heart muscle, lower cholesterol and provide genetic stability. The problem occurs in that for the vast majority, they are always consumed with the real villains, as trans-fats (through high heat cooking which converts fats into trans fats) or in the presence of highly refined carbohydrates and high fructose corn syrup. Read the label of virtually any processed food and you will likely find one of these villains lurking under an assumed name of some sort.

For this reason, it is essential to consume 80 - 90 % (or more) of your diet as unrefined: raw vegetables, lean protein and meats, un-roasted nuts, seeds, legumes and minimal fruits (they still contain fructose which many people do not properly digest). Eliminate the quick convenience and fast foods, anything which comes in a box, can or jar. You will find that your body is quickly able to 'remodel' it's cellular matrix, and after eliminating sweet food sources for two weeks, you won't miss them at all. In fact, you'll wonder how you every enjoyed anything so sweet!

Evolutionary Importance of Fish Oil

For those who understand that who we are today is the environmental evolution over many thousands of years and generations, it is not difficult to understand that our bodies have adapted to depend on the biologic components which were in ready supply during our march through time. As our bodies evolved from ape through to homo-sapien, we have remained a viable species because of our ability to utilize the vitamins, minerals and fatty acids which were part of our diets and environment.

We spent much time in warm climates wearing little clothing... our skin produced massive quantities of Vitamin D which all of our cells adapted for survival. Early man ate fish and free-roaming grass fed animals, both of which were high in the Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Prior to the mass breeding of cattle, the beef supply provided a significant source of the Omega-3 fats. Today, the herds are fed corn and other fattening agents which provide poor sources of the essential fats to the animals and thus to our diets. Also, meat was mostly eaten without cooking which preserved the full potency of these nutrients.

Specifically our brain requires a high percentage of Omega-3 fat for the construction of the cellular membrane (specifically the DHA component). Omega fats are shuttled in the body to be used for cellular reconstruction processes when consumed, and only burned for energy as a last resort. When our diet does not include sufficient Omega-3 fats (as is the case with the vast majority consuming the typical Western diet), other types of fats must be used. When this happens, the integrity of the cellular membranes are not solid, and the membrane does not exhibit the proper characteristics. Oxygen and nutrients do not enter and exit the cell in an efficient manner, and a variety of disease processes are initiated. It has been known for decades that when a cell is forced to burn glucose instead of oxygen because of this deficiency, a cancer cell can form within a matter of hours. Additionally, the Omega-3 fats reduce the inflammation raging in most people, a factor blamed in many diseases of modern society and most recently implicated as a major contributing factor to cardiovascular disease.

Today only cold water fish remain as a good source of Omega-3 fats, although much has been written about the contamination from mercury and other environmental wastes which affect many aquatic species. Most people are wise to supplement with fish oil, making certain to ensure that it has been molecularly distilled for removal of any contaminants. How much fish oil is the correct amount? The answer depends on the individual and the risk for cardiovascular disease.

It is critical to read the label of the fish oil you select, making sure that the amount of the two key Omega-3 fats are displayed. Current recommendations for healthy adults with no cardiovascular risks are for a combined total of 1 - 1.5 grams of EPA/DHA per day. For those with known disease or a high risk level, 2 - 2.5 combined grams per day. Very recent information is showing that like Vitamin D, it may be necessary to have the blood levels of Omega-3 fats in the blood tested to determine optimal levels. We will discuss this more as pertinent information becomes available. As always, you should abide by the wisdom of your natural health care provider for appropriate supplement dosing and for blood testing.

Vitamin D Levels Dramatically Lower Cardiovascular Risk

It has been widely reported that US deaths from cardiovascular disease has recently overtaken cancer as the Number 1 killer of people of all ages. The news media has been quick to blast these headlines everywhere. And the pharmaceutical companies are also quick to tell all who will listen that their latest and greatest drug will lower total cholesterol and LDL-C, thus reducing heart attack risk. If only it were that simple... and true!

The problem is that many recent reports have proven that cholesterol (and even the much maligned LDL-C) are really not your enemy. In fact, they are critical blood components which provide our bodies with the ability to synthesize new cells, form hormones and a large variety of other critical cellular functions. When these levels are artificially reduced, essential molecular duties are limited, and the homeostasis in the body is disrupted. Pharmaceutical makers (and your doctor) love the statin drugs because they predictably lower blood markers in a dose dependent manner. Take this amount of drug, and you will reduce your cholesterol by this amount. In fact, it has been demonstrated that statins help only 1 in 100 people partially avoid a second heart attack, likely through the statin's ability to modestly reduce systemic inflammation. All nice and pretty... and thus a multi-billion dollar category of drugs is born.

The latest research is clearly demonstrating that arterial plaque is not directly formed by cholesterol being stuffed into the walls of our arteries, but by a very complex process which is triggered through our immune system through inflammation. Components of our white blood cells known as macrophages are actually the culprit, as they lose their protein coating in a response to arterial inflammation. It are these white blood cell macrophages which create the foamy plagues which plug up the micro openings in the arteries which occur due to excessive abuse in our body. This abuse is caused by a large number of factors, but the short list includes poor dietary factors (refined carbs, fast foods, fried foods) and high blood pressure. From the perspective of our bodies, it is attempting to save our lives, as these micro cracks in the arterial walls could easily lead our bleeding-out. It is ironic that the mechanism used to help us survive is often the same one which leads to our premature demise. Vitamin C is also critical in avoiding the micro cracks, as it assists the body to create collagen which can help to repair the tiny tears in the vessel walls. More about the role of Vitamin C in a future post.

Now that we understand that the local pharmacy does not have the answer to help us avoid cardiovascular disease, how can we eliminate this risk? The simple answer is through eating a proper diet which is low in refined carbs, sugar and especially 'high-fructose corn syrup' and trans-fats and cooked animal fats, maintaining a healthy body weight and correcting the blood level of Vitamin D. OK, the first two we have all heard about, but the Vitamin D component just doesn't seem to get that much media attention. The very latest studies have confirmed that maintaining an optimal Vitamin D blood level of 50 - 70 ng/ml will reduce the chance of developing heart disease by 50%! As this is the primary killer of people in the US and other western countries, wouldn't that merit a major headline? Hard to believe that you probably will never hear of this information. But yet Vitamin D has been demonstrated to help blood vessels to dilate, reduce levels of dangerous triglycerides and reduce inflammatory factors in the blood. By ensuring a proper level of Vitamin D in the blood through either sun exposure (only if less than 50 years old) or supplementation (remember, in a gelcap form), we can cut in half the number of people subjected to heart disease.

If only there were millions to be made by pharmaceutical entities through the sale of Vitamin D, we could save literally millions of lives each year. Good thing you now know this vital information and can begin taking steps to protect your own health.

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