Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Heart Disease is Reversible

Evidence has been mounting over recent years indicating that Coronary Artery Disease is not only preventable, but actually reversible. You could possibly slow it down by eating a 'low-fat' diet and taking a variety of drugs (statins, ACE Inhibitors and Beta-Blockers), but sooner or later those little blobs of foamy plaque would invade the inner lining of your coronary arteries and cause a heart attack.

Linus Pauling documented 30 or so years ago that Vitamin C was essential for the vascular system to avoid the 'cracks' which occur in the heart vessels. Lack of Vitamin C caused a 'scurvy' of the arteries which permitted the tiny vascular abrasions (caused by high blood pressure, poor diet and too much fast food!) which then needed to be patched up by the body, leading to the genesis of coronary plaque. But there was more than just Vitamin C. The C was very helpful in preventing the arterial 'cracking', but once the process had begun there needed to be a secondary element which would remove the existing plaque. The key were the amino acids Lysine and Proline. These two key amino acids possessed the ability to bind with existing plaque in the endothelium (the inner membrane of an artery) and harmlessly usher out of the circulation. Not only was this information public knowledge (but somehow most physicians never heard about it), but Linus Pauling had received a Nobel Prize for his work. Not only that, he also has a patent for the process of cleaning the arteries of transplanted hearts using a solution based on this science.

Heath conscious people now add the amino acids Lysine and Proline into their supplemental regime in the quantities recommended by Pauling, as well as Vitamin C (about 3 grams per day for the average adult). Also, later work has suggested that EGCG from green tea may also enhance the plaque removal process.

A required read for those attempting to correct or prevent heart disease if the extensive work of Dr. William Davis, a conventional cardiologist with an unconventional view on the nature of heart disease (http://heartscanblog.blogspot.com/). He has seen the light, and understands that pharmaceutical interventions are typically not necessary and can many times be dangerous. Instead he relies on natural interventions for his patients such as fish oil, Vitamin D supplemented to the proper levels (blood levels of 50 - 70 ng/ml), niacin, elimination of all wheat/sugar/refined foods, to name just a few. The bottom line is that the plaque in your coronary arteries is composed to a large extent of calcium, and that calcium can be viewed and monitored by use of a scanner which takes about five minutes and is non-invasive. By tracking at yearly intervals, he has demonstrated that the arterial plaque can be halted and reversed by a significant percentage. The most important thing is that as long as the plaque level has been halted and is not increasing, the condition is stable and the chances of a significant heart event are virtually eliminated... again, no drugs or silly low-fat diets required. Just a very healthy, nutritionally balanced dietary lifestyle along with the appropriate supplements. Sounds like a good deal to me to avoid that trip to the Emergency Room.

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