Vitamin D has been receiving much attention lately, as it has been shown to reduce the risk of many cancers, help to prevent cardiovascular disease, lower the prevalence of diabetes and activate the body's immune system. Vitamin D has been the subject of extensive research over the last decade. Vitamin D is deficient in nearly 60% of the population, as people avoid the sun and are not able to consume sufficient amounts. Vitamin D has been the subject of extensive research over the last decade, and we now have a clear picture of how it functions, the many health-promoting effects it has been shown to promote and how much is needed for disease prevention.
Vitamin D Activates Our Immune System

Vitamin D is Essential to Prevent Disease

Vitamin D Supplementation is Required for Maximum Benefit
So how much Vitamin D is necessary to reap the benefits from this miracle pro-hormone? Ancient RDA levels set over a half century ago were originally developed to prevent diseases such as rickets. These levels are dangerously low for disease prevention from cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and proper immune T Cell response. The only way to know if you are optimally protected is to measure the level of Vitamin D in the blood using an inexpensive test known as '25(OH)D'. A wealth of medical studies indicate that most adults should have blood levels between 50 and 70 ng/ml. This amount circulating in the blood ensures that all cells have been saturated, and innate immune response is at it's highest level. Most adults will require 6,000 - 10,000 IU per day of Vitamin D (always take in an oil-based gel cap form for maximum absorption), and many factors such as body weight, age, sun exposure and diet can affect blood levels. Begin supplementing at 6,000 IU, and have your blood level tested after 90 days. Most people find that every 1,000 IU increases the blood response by 10 ng/ml, so adjust accordingly. People fighting cancer and other serious disease may require even higher levels up to 90 ng/ml.
With the overwhelming body of research now compiled, health conscious individuals monitor their Vitamin D levels twice a year and make the necessary adjustments to ensure proper blood levels. Evolution has selected Vitamin D to regulate many essential biologic functions in the human body. It is our responsibility to use the evidence we have accumulated to ensure our optimal, vibrant health.