Several recently publishedarticles highlight the critical importance of Omega-3 fats from fatty fishconsumption and fish oil supplements. Scientists publishing in the journalStroke demonstrate that the activeDHA Omega-3 fat component helps brain cells to better withstand the stress loadplaced on the aging brain to lower the risk of a life-altering stroke by asmuch as a quarter.
Researchers from the Rhode IslandHospital`s Alzheimer`s Disease and Memory Disorders Center have found that DHAfrom supplements alter the critical brain chemistry and structure to preventcognitive decline and abnormal brain aging. A wealth of scientific evidence ismounting to document the importance of Omega-3 fats to assist metabolicdisorders that lead to dementia, stroke and chronic disease.
DHA, Omega-3 Fat Lowers Brain Inflammation to Improve CognitiveFunction
Inflammation of the vital nervesand critical structures of the brain is a precursor to stress that can play animportant role in the development of a life-altering stroke. Researcherspublish the result of their work designed to determine if Omega-3 fatty acidsfrom fish oil, specifically the long-chain DHAcomponent would be sufficient to reduce neural inflammation and lower risk froma stroke.
To conduct the study, mice werebroken into three groups. The first group was supplemented with a DHA-enricheddiet, the second group consumed a DHA-depleted diet and the final mice were feda control diet. After a period of three months, scientists found that only thegroup with the DHA-enriched diet experienced lower levels of neuroinflammationand had 25% less tissue injury following an induced stroke. They also notedthat long-term supplementation resulted in a healthy buildup of DHA fat inbrain tissue resulting in an enhanced Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acid ratio.
Consumption of Omega-3 Fats Protects the Brain to Lower Damage from aStroke
Lead author on the study, Dr.Jasna Kriz concluded“This is the first convincingdemonstration of the powerful anti-inflammatory effect of DHA Docosahexaenoic acid Essential Omega 3 fatty acid integral tothe health of all cell membranes, nerve and brain function. Theconsumption of omega-3s creates an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotectiveenvironment in the brain that mitigates damage following a stroke.”
Additional evidence of theimportance of Omega-3 fats from fish consumption or supplementation is providedby researchers from Rhode Island Hospital. A study was designed using 819senior participants broken into three groups, those with normal cognition, mildcognitive impairment, and Alzheimer`s Disease. 117 individuals were taking fishoil supplements during the three year course of the study. Taking fish oilsupplements was associated with less brain shrinkage and improved cognitivefunction during the study period.
The lead author, Dr. Lori Daielloconcludes, “In the imaging analyses forthe entire study population, we found a significant positive associationbetween fish oil supplement use and average brain volumes in two critical areasutilized in memory and thinking.” DHA is preferentially conserved for theconstruction of neural structures and should be an essential part of yourregular menu (from fatty fish) or as a molecularly distilled and purifiedsupplement (500 mg to 1 gram per day) to lower stroke risk and preventcognitive decline.